7 Healthy Habits to Start in 2022

With the new year comes lots of new resolutions and good intentions, and these often aim at improving health and fitness. The good news is that you don't have to completely overhaul your diet or exercise routine to improve your health. Just making a few small changes is better than nothing.

Here are 7 small habits you can start to improve your health in 2022:

1. Drink more water.

It's not sexy, but good hydration is seriously so important for overall health. Getting enough water can
help to decrease headaches, give you more energy, improve your recovery, reduce incontinence symptoms β€” the benefits really are endless!

Try to add an extra 8-16 oz a day and work up to at least of your body weight in oz β€” more if you're more
active or pregnant. Any extra water you drink is helpful, this is not an all or none habit change.

Start sipping!

2. Breathe through your nose.

Nasal breathing is not only calming, but it's also is better for your jaw muscles, oral hygiene, your diaphragm, your pelvic floor, and basically your whole body. Try to breathe through your nose instead of through your mouth for a week and see what a difference it makes!

3. Walk outside barefoot, often.

Yes, we're talking about being barefoot again. And yes, you can do this even in the chilly Nebraska winters!

Grounding (getting on the ground barefoot) can reduce anxiety and support your immune system, and ditching shoes is something almost all of us could do a little more. Next time you hop outside to get the mail, go barefoot!

Bonus points if you decide to stand or walk barefoot in the snow for a bit!

4. Reduce or avoid sugar.

There's no benefit to bleached sugar, there are literally no nutrients and it can cause a host of other problems. It's addictive and harms your metabolism. We don't really need to go on here.

While cutting sugar is not easy for most of us, there really are endless benefits to reducing intake.

A few are:

  • Lowering your risk of nearly every chronic disease

  • Improving mood

  • Reducing inflammation

  • Improving mental clarity (i.e. less β€œbrain fog”)

  • Improving sleep quality.

Make this the year you cut back your sugar intake (or drop it altogether!).

5. Try to eat more probiotic-rich foods.

Sauerkraut, yogurt (go for full fat, no sugar added), kimchi, and kombucha are all good options. Fermented foods are great for your gut and immune system, and even getting an extra serving or two can make a difference!

6. Make your own bone broth.

Homemade bone broth is super easy (Dr. Whitney's family makes it with an InstantPot), and it's full of good protein like collagen. Collagen can help to repair your gut, and it's also great for maintaining healthy joints.

Plus, who doesn't love a hot bowl of homemade soup!

7. Sit on the floor.

Wait, what? Yes, sit on the floor.

Ditch the sofas and lounge chairs and go for the floor. Sitting on the floor can help improve joint mobility β€” especially in tight hips! Start in small increments (a few minutes at a time if it's not very comfortable) and work your way up to longer periods. Your back will thank you.

None of these ideas are too crazy, and that's the point! Healthy habits don't have to be wild, and the changes you can stick with are the best ones!

Have a healthy and safe 2022!

~ Dr. Nolan & Dr. Whitney

LifestyleMidwest Movement