How long are chiropractic appointments?

Chiropractic appointments typically take 20-30 minutes. You will spend your entire visit with the chiropractor.

How long are chiropractic new patient exams?

New patient exams typically take about 40 minutes. In that time, we complete a full movement assessment and any indicated physical, neurological, and orthopedic exams. Chiropractic treatment usually begins that day. At your next visit, we will explain your exam findings and go over your individualized plan to get you back to your activity or sport.

What should I wear to my chiropractic appointments?

Athletic attire is best, since a majority of your time in our office will be spent moving. We provide changing rooms for patients, but we recommend avoiding tight-fitting clothing (like jeans) that would restrict full range of motion.

Do you take x-rays on the first chiropractic visit?

We do not offer x-ray imaging in our office, and obtaining x-rays at the first visit is not necessary for most patients. They may be needed if we suspect a significant injury. We will refer to local providers for special imaging, including x-rays, or other tests when indicated by our exam findings.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes, we do! We are in network with Aetna, BlueCross BlueShield, Bright Health, Cigna, Coventry, Healthy Blue, Medica, Medicare, Midland’s Choice, Nebraska Total Care, Sanford Health, UMR, and UnitedHealthcare.

What if I don’t have insurance?

We offer affordable cash pricing options for those without insurance. You don’t need to have health insurance to get the care you deserve.

  • New Patient Exam: $150

  • Follow-Up Visits: $45-75

Do I need a doctor’s referral to come see you?

Nope! Although medical physicians refer patients to our office, you are able to see us without a referral.

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment, also known as joint manipulation, is a therapeutic tool used to add motion into joints that are stuck, or not moving enough. At Midwest Movement, we use manual adjusting. This means the doctor uses his or her hands to add more motion into restricted joints, rather than an adjusting instrument.

Sometimes you’ll hear a popping sound during the chiropractic adjustment, which is just the release of gas bubbles from increased movement in the joints, but the adjustment can still be just as effective without the “pop.”

Is chiropractic care safe?

Yes, absolutely! The natural, non-invasive, hands-on care we provide in our office is very safe, and it’s also usually what the body will respond best to. Not only is chiropractic care safe, but it’s also simple and effective.

Because every medical intervention has its risks, we screen each patient before treatment begins to make sure your treatment will be both safe and effective.

What are the benefits of a chiropractic adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment introduces motion into a restricted joint providing improved range of motion and increased sensory input to the brain at that specific joint. Better movement also generally leads to less pain.

What if I can’t be or don’t want to be adjusted?

Not everyone wants to be adjusted, and chiropractic adjustments aren’t for everyone. We completely understand!

We have lots of options to help you feel better and move better — not only chiropractic adjustments. We’ll find the best approach for your specific case, and if it’s not something we can provide in our office, we’ll get you to the right people.

Who can chiropractic care help?

To keep it short, if you have pain when you move, it’s very likely that we can help you. Most of the people we help have low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or headaches, but we also can help with sports injuries, overuse injuries, prenatal and postpartum care, and more. Check out our Conditions We Treat page for a larger list of conditions we can effectively treat with chiropractic care.

How long do chiropractic care plans last?

You may have heard that if you see a chiropractor once, then you have to see them forever. While each patient is different and results vary, most patients will experience some symptom relief within a few visits. We base our care on each patient’s individual needs, so treatment ends when that patient can return to activity or has met functional or performance goals, not just when they’re pain-free. We tend to see that chiropractic patients who are more compliant with recommended home exercises report faster progress and have fewer flare ups.

Why is it called dry needling?

When treating trigger points, other medical professionals will sometimes inject a medication into the trigger point, called trigger point injection. In dry needling, an acupuncture needle is used to relax the trigger point without injecting any medication. 

What does dry needling feel like? Does it hurt?

Everyone feels things differently, but most people (Nolan & Whitney included!) would describe the feeling as more of a deep pressure in the muscle. The pressure is often accompanied by a jumping or twitching of the muscle, and the twitch response is completely normal.

When the needles are initially placed, you may feel a slight pinch, but many patients report not feeling anything at all. It is not uncommon to feel some muscle soreness after receiving dry needling, and this will typically feel similar to post-workout soreness.

What does kinesiology tape do?

Kinesiology tape provides increased sensory stimulation to the skin as the tape is stretched. This can increase awareness of body position during movement, provide encouragement to underactive muscles, and sometimes offer mild pain relief.

I’m pregnant. Can chiropractic help me?

Congratulations — and yes! Chiropractic care during pregnancy can help with aches and pains as your body and baby change. A combination of chiropractic care and rehabilitative exercise can also help with a variety of other common complaints during pregnancy like low back pain, acid reflux, pubic symphysis pain, pelvic floor pain, incontinence, headaches, and more.

I’ve heard chiropractic can help with incontinence, painful intercourse, painful periods, etc. Is that true?

Your pelvic floor is made up of muscles, just like your biceps, quads, and back muscles. When these muscles don’t work the way they’re supposed to, we can run into some issues — incontinence and painful intercourse being just a few of them. In our office, we combine chiropractic care with core and pelvic floor rehab, and this combination can be very effective for treating some of those common pelvic floor complaints. Dr. Whitney is a Webster-certified chiropractor, trained in Herman & Wallace pelvic floor rehabilitation, and is BirthFit professional, and she successfully helps patients with these complaints.

What is pelvic floor therapy? Who should consider pelvic floor therapy?

Pelvic floor therapy is a specific type of rehabilitation that focuses on muscles of the pelvic floor. Pelvic floor therapy can be performed both externally and internally. External treatment can improve pelvic floor function through breath work, releasing tight muscles around the hips and pelvis, and educating about optimal pelvic floor activation and relaxation. Internal therapy is important for helping the deeper pelvic muscles to relax or activate appropriately, and both the evaluation and treatment are comfortable and safe.

We recommend pelvic floor therapy for anyone experiencing pelvic floor pain or pressure, pain with intercourse, urinary incontinence (leaking), constipation, or for women who have had children or plan to have children.

Do you offer internal pelvic floor evaluations and treatment?

Yes! Dr. Whitney performs internal pelvic floor evaluations and treatment, when indicated.

Can chiropractic care help me avoid sports injuries?

Yes! When our joints don’t move as much as they are supposed to, our bodies will try to make up that lost motion somewhere else — which can lead to injuries. Chiropractic care can help you maintain good motion in your spine, hips, shoulders, and even your feet!

Because too much motion can also lead to injuries, both Dr. Nolan and Dr. Whitney use active care (rehab exercise!) with their patients. We use exercise to help your muscles create more stability in joints that move too much. Exercise is the perfect complement to chiropractic care!

I have a sports injury. Can chiropractic care help me get better?

Yes! Most injuries occur because of either a motion limitation or asymmetry, unstable joint(s), or a combination of both. We will first focus on controlling pain related to your sports injury, and then we’ll work together to address the reason you got injured in the first place. Just like with preventing sports injuries, we can use a combination of chiropractic adjusting with rehab exercise to improve how you move. This not only will help you to recover from your current injury, but it can also decrease your risk of future injury.

Do you treat children?

Yes! Dr. Whitney is trained in pediatric rehabilitation and chiropractic care for your little ones. Some indications that your child may benefit from chiropractic care include movement asymmetries, motor milestone delays, constipation, colic, and more.

How soon can I bring my baby in for an evaluation?

If you have concerns about your child, you can bring them in as soon as a few days or weeks after birth.

For infants without major concerns, we like to see little ones around the time of each major movement milestone (monthly from 3 months to 1 year). Your child builds their foundation for a lifetime of movement in the first year, and regular visits can help to ensure good biomechanics for years to come.

I’ve heard chiropractic can help children with ear infections, colic, bed wetting, constipation, and allergies. Is that true?

While there isn’t much research to support chiropractic as a “cure” for any of those common problems, many parents will report and improvement in their child’s symptoms and behavior after beginning care.

Our bodies (even the littlest ones!) are incredibly complex, and we will often see dramatic improvements in children after working on improving the function of their spine and surrounding muscles.

I’m ready to start chiropractic care. How can I schedule with you?

You can schedule yourself online here or give our office a call at (402) 256 6683. We look forward to working with you!

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