When should I bring my baby in for an evaluation?

with Dr. Whitney Haase

Since I see lots of moms throughout their pregnancies, one of the first questions they often ask is “how soon can you see my baby?” (or babies!) after birth.

Like most questions, my answer is: “it depends!” ;) Lots of parents have heard of the benefits of chiropractic care for their little ones, and babies and young children often respond very positively and quickly to chiropractic adjustments and gentle rehabilitative exercises.

If your baby is having trouble with

  • latching/feeding

  • turning their head to one side or the other

  • moving symmetrically (weird crawling, scooching, etc.)

  • constipation

  • recurring ear infections

or if your baby seems exceptionally fussy, had a traumatic birth, or is behind on movement milestones (which isn’t really possible until at least 2-3 months), then I typically recommend scheduling an evaluation sooner than later.

However, if your baby seems happy and normal and mom and dad don’t have any concerns, then I recommend waiting to schedule until around 3 months of age.

At around 3 months, normally developing infants should be able to hold themselves in a few positions that younger babies can’t, so a visit around this time can give us a good look at your little one’s developing movement control. About every month for the first year, babies will get stronger and build upon the previous month’s milestone.

I like to see babies about once a month for the first year because of how quickly they develop. These regular check-ins can ensure that our little ones get the best start possible and that they have well-balanced muscles and joints for a lifetime of healthy movement.

What do we assess at a pediatric chiropractic appointment?

Babies can’t follow directions, so we don’t check range of motion like at your visits.

Here are a few things we evaluate on our littlest patients:

  • General movement - I want to see how your baby moves completely on his or her own!

  • Muscle tension

  • Spinal joint restrictions

  • Primitive reflexes

  • Breathing

  • Suck strength and coordination

If your little one is showing any of the movement asymmetries or has any of the difficulties listed above, they may benefit from pediatric chiropractic care.



Local to Omaha? Schedule your child’s visit with Dr. Whitney at the link below.