Navigating Birth Prep: Essential Tips for a Smooth Transition

with Dr. Whitney Haase

As we conclude our pregnancy series, we delve into the one of the most important aspects of prenatal care: birth preparation! At our office, birth prep typically begins between 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy, with the specific time tailored to each patient's unique needs. For mothers expecting twins, we initiate preparations slightly earlier to ensure we have enough time to go over important strategies and help mothers feel confident for birth and prepared for the postpartum transition.

Proper relaxation is the cornerstone of our birth prep sessions. Understanding how to release tension across all muscle groups — primarily the pelvic floor, but also through the abdomen, shoulders, neck and jaw — can profoundly influence labor and birth. Many people (even when not pregnant) unknowingly harbor tension in various areas and muscles. We guide patients in identifying and releasing these tension points to optimize the birthing process.

Breathwork emerges as another vital element, particularly in facilitating pelvic floor elongation. Proper breathing techniques not only promote relaxation but also aid in creating space for the baby during vaginal births, reducing the risk of pelvic floor or vaginal tearing. Through targeted exercises, we teach patients to synchronize breath with pelvic floor elongation and maintain that lengthening for smoother deliveries.

At around 36 weeks, we recommend an internal vaginal assessment visit, which offers valuable insights into pelvic floor health. This assessment allows us to identify and address any tight spots or trigger points that may hinder ideal pelvic floor function. For patients struggling with pelvic floor lengthening, this internal assessment and release can be immensely beneficial.

Additionally, we provide tailored postpartum tips based on the anticipated birth method, whether vaginal or cesarean. These include at-home exercises aimed at promoting recovery and building confidence in navigating the early postpartum period.

If you're expecting and seeking comprehensive support for your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey in the Omaha area, we're here to assist you. Contact our office to embark on your path to a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy experience.

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